Jammy Dodgers 3 Dodgers. 3 singles. One Number 1
On 28th April “three musical monkeys will put on one of the most mind blowing musical dance shows on earth”. A TV teaser and three music videos were directed by Roderick Fenske at Hungry Man.
The teaser played out during the Britain’s Got Talent ad break encouraging viewers to go to dodgersnumber1.com and vote for their favourite Jammie Dodgers promo. Each flavour has a primate, dancing to his own beat. Which is your favourite? Jammie, Toffee or Choccie? You decide.
An online chart war, which saw 3 “Dodger monkeys” battle it out for the coveted prize of “Dodgers Number One”. The campaign started with a TVC, which aired during Britain’s Got Talent. This directed people to Dodgersnumber1.com where they could view and vote for their favourite monkey music promo. The winner was announced on BGT final night.
- Agency: VCCP
- Creative Director: Mark Orbine / Craig Miller
- Copywriter: Alvin Helmandi
- Art Director: Rich Kivell
- Copywriter: Rob Ganguly
- Art Director: Andy Aradipiotis
- Film Direction: Roderick Fenske